
News & Blog

3 Ways Seaweed Supplements & Extracts Can Transform Women’s Health


Though every person has different health risks, your gender heavily influences yours. For example, women are at a greater risk of conditions including osteoporosis, stroke and migraines. During different life stages, women may also face a higher probability of developing iodine deficiency, metabolic syndrome, or other ailments which can impact quality of life. Of course, […]

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Want to Lower Your Risk of Hypertension? Make Sure You’re Getting Enough Potassium


Cardiovascular disease doesn’t happen overnight. A combination of factors contributes to this illness. According to the annual report from the American Heart Association, high blood pressure is among those most likely to result in death. Also known as hypertension, this condition worsens as the prolonged effects accumulate, turning unhealthy dietary choices today into disorders tomorrow. […]

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What’s Your Diet Missing? 4 Health Benefits of Dulse Seaweed


We all know you are what you eat, but what about what you don’t eat? Deficiencies in key nutrients, mineral or bioactive compounds can result in undesirable health outcomes as well. The good news is consumers recognize the need to make up any shortcomings of their diets, hence the projected 8.9% growth rate of the […]

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Adding Vegan Dishes to Your Menu? How Hana Tsunomata® Can Keep You 100% Plant Based


From full-blown vegans to omnivorous flexitarians, consumers want far more plants in their diets. There’s a growing appetite for grub that puts a fast-food spin on plant-based eats, especially dishes that make people’s mouths water from the image alone. And the restaurant sector appears happy to oblige. For example, consumers saw a 1,320% increase in […]

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4 Eco Friendly Stocking Stuffers Your Friends & Family Will Love


With the holidays just around the corner, you want to find something special for everyone on your shopping list. Even if you’re ahead of the game and bought your fair share of big-ticket items, having a few extra surprises (or goodies) around is always a crowd pleaser. Whether you want some assorted items for a […]

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